Cub Lake  [Trip Report]

by | Feb 23, 2020

Cub Lake hike in Rocky Mountain National Park. This is part of my 40 years of hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park Series. 

Cub Lake was one of the first hikes I did in Rocky Mountain National Park as a child. I first hiked it in 1986, and have several times since then. However I believe this is the first time I have hiked it in the winter. 

It was a nice day in the park, the temperature was in the 30’s and there wasn’t too much snow at the trailhead. The road to the trailhead was mostly snow free so getting there was easy. For winter hikes I always take snowshoes and micro-spikes and decide which to take with me if i am not taking both. I decided to leave the snowshoes in the car and just walk with my micro-spikes. Also I always carry extra gear when I hike in the winter because the conditions can change at anytime. 


  • 8620 Feet
  • Round Trip Distance: 4.87 Miles
  • Elevation Gain: 620 feet
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Route: Cub Lake Trail
  • Rank by Elevation: 1/1
  • Time: Less than 2 hours
  • Date Hiked: Feb 21, 2020

All Trails Map Link

Cub Lake Trailhead Sign

Hiking along the western edge of Moraine Park

Climbing up through the trees, I never tire of this view.

Looking back east at Moraine Park

The snow was up to the Hitch Rack sign​.

Cub Lake covered in snow.

So much snow at Cub Lake

Looking east across Moraine Park